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Calling for JL's head?-Your Thoughts??


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A sad thread, and some of the replies are sadder yet.

Problem with USF this year, is players not making plays.  Period end of story.  Talk about firing or issues at the end of the year, but players are not executing properly.

If some of you knew what the sam hell you were talking about it could be an intelligible thread, but there is a ton of improvement in this team over the past three games, unfortunately not enough to overcome the talent gap.

Sorry, until your youth develops properly, and we develop more size inside this team is not going to be a good football team.  Deal with it.  We've got some fine athletes, loads of speed, and good talent, but we've got gapping holes that must be address over a long haul, not one week.  Some of you can spend the entire season screaming about our coaches, and pointing fingers but it will get you nowhere.  Unfortunately some players that were expected to step up never did on defense, and the coaches have tried desperately to do what it takes to motivate them or find someone else to replace that player.  To no avail thus far.

The idiots that scream for Hobbie's head really amuse me.  The guy realized against USM we absolutely allowed PJ's arm to give that game away.  Hobbie vowed he wasn't going to put the Army game into PJ's hands.  We broke rushing records for USF, we ran up 35pts, and hell a missed FG, and stupid INT and we would have scored over 40pts!  Yet, Hobbie could not overcome four or five missed passes that PJ threw (he had to throw sometime, hell even option teams throw the ball 12-15 times a game), and he couldn't prevent the defensive meltdown.  

I am not saying Hobbie isn't a coach that doesn't deserve critiquing, hell I've been riding his ass as big as anyone, but jesus anyone that knows football realizes that this loss had little to do with the offense, and everything to do with the defense.  ****, next thing you know we're going to blame Hobbie for our Men's Soccer team loss, and for issues in Fallujah....

Sorry folks, but the fact remains that the issues with this team are talent related.  Until we can fill the gaps with the appropriate talent every USF game will be difficult to watch, or at least a nail bitter.  The positive is many of the answers are actually on the field, or on the bench, the negative is they're just not physically ready to be every down players- examples like Danny Verpaele, devon Davis, etc.  

On a positive, and for any a**hole that wants to post JL's head is on the chopping block, without CJL at the helm USF gets blown out by USM, and Army instead of missing an on-sides kick to potentially tie, and we lose against TCU.  That's a fact, few other coaches can get the most out of his bunch.

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That's a fact, few other coaches can get the most out of his bunch.

I agree, as much frustration I have had with JL and staff the past 2 years lets wait and see what he does to adjust to his players.  We have already seen some adjustments, we are running the ball while not being in the spread.  Now lets see how JL adjusts the D to play a physical game instead of just playing the pass.  We won't have big leads the rest of the year and most likely we will be playing from behind the rest of the way.

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I agree, as much frustration I have had with JL and staff the past 2 years lets wait and see what he does to adjust to his players.  We have already seen some adjustments, we are running the ball while not being in the spread.  Now lets see how JL adjusts the D to play a physical game instead of just playing the pass.  We won't have big leads the rest of the year and most likely we will be playing from behind the rest of the way.

Thank you, some cooler heads are prevailing.  CJL must realize after the Army game that having three LB's weighing 220lbs or less, with two safeties around 6ft 180lbs a piece isn't going to cut it.  The hope was the senior DT's would help lessen the blocking burden, but the DL has been extremely disappointing thus far which is why our staff has played Ramon McCollough, Searcy, Cray, and Chance to try to find anyone that can do more than Battles fat butt has achieved.  As of yet still no answers.  They tried to go to nickel packages to increase speed, then to power packages.  My guess is we'll see a switch at SS, force our LB's to drop back about 2 more yards from the LOS to lessen the chance for the blockers to be effective, and allowing speed, basically we'll forfeit two yards to eliminate the big gains.  I'd continue rotating LB's, and DL's and safeties until someone steps up consistently.  Start sitting Camon for series.....

The defense will improve it will just be a slow maturation.  The offense must continue to make strides.  As for our offense the only area we need to make improvements are QB, and OL.  If the OL blocks a bit more consistently, and eliminates mistakes, and PJ starts relaxing in the pocket doesn't throw off his back foot, and eliminates mistakes this offense could really chug along.  

This is going to be baby steps, and no one should get so frustrated that they start making rash or inaccurate statements about the coaching staff or blame.

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True to form bien response, anyone with a different opinion is an idiot and knows nothing about football. It must really be tough knowing so much about everything and having to correct so many stupid idiots!

this isn't just a youth issue on offense, it has been a problem for years with both experienced and young players. Obviously the players aren't executing but the question is WHY the hell aren't they executing? Have we just been unlucky year after year getting players that are unable to execute or do we have a problem with the coaches ability to teach the fundamentals necessary to be able to execute properly. The latter is the only constant over time and therefore seems to me very appropriate to question.  Even with MB the offense still struggled, yeah we scored points but nearly all year Marquel had to scramble all over the place after broken plays and wait for some receiver to open up or to take it for himself. This masked alot of problems but many still noticed it and commented on it back then as well. IMO it's not even that the system suited Marquel but that Marquel kept the system from being a complete disaster and now that we don't have him the system is exposed. I also am surprised at any call for Leavitt's head but a call for him to take action with assistants doesn't surprise me one bit and as I recall last year all we heard from you was bashing Hobbie's abilities especially in the area of passing routes and how basic they were etc etc... But then again I'm sure I don't know a **** thing about football and you are the wise one we should all listen to....you are always so dead on right like the way you bashed all those who "didn't know anything about football" before the season when they expressed concern that the defensive backfield would be weak this year due to replacing seniors with inexperienced players. Remember bien, how they all didn't know anything and that our incredible talent increase would more then make up for the loss of the seniors? Sure glad you were right about that since we would certainly be struggling defensively this year if not.

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In the preseason, it was my opinion that Sbien and the media might be slightly more optimistic of the Bull's OL than was warranted.  Slightly as in not enuff to rebutt thier opinions but just a thought in the back of my head which caused me concern.  Why I thought this is the OL has never been crushing run blockers and there are no gigantic starters and they had been inconsistent in previous seasons.  I did not really think one off season would make that much difference in our three senior OLs.  As y'all probably know the learning curve(room for improvem't) for players gets smaller after ea. consecutive offseason however there is some hope left for 2004 b/c the Bulls have always gotten better as season goes on though.

With that said/written, The team is playing for experience now especially the defense the rest of the way (2004).  What I am concerned about is the OL is gonna lose 3 starters due to graduation and I'm expecting Matt Grothe or Carleton Hill to displace PJ in 2005.  Meaning the Bulls will have three new starters on the OL with a true freshman QB or a QB w/a highly inconsistent arm and a group of WRs that have mediocre hands at best.  You pick your poison but 2005 is not shaping up well either.  Not to mention the DL is losing tons of experience.

I say all this to ask this, what the heck is Leavitt gonna do?  Are the FootBulls really staring at two consecutive losing seasons?  You are correct in saying the players are NOT executing.

The safeties & corners have the ability for the most room for improvem't in the offseason.  They are probably the youngest and have a good senior coming into the mix.  The middle LB spot is hurting.  Where is Leavitt gonna come up w/a first yr. starter?  Maybe Nicholas hasta shift inside.  Did the Bulls lose Mompremier for good?  Is there any way the Bulls can still get Carlton.  Where's all the pressure on the QB gone too.  Does the DEs miss Jones that much?  Hopefully he'll help but he's gonna be rusty to start the 2005 season.

The looks of the next season & a half have me concerned.  I never would of believed the D wooda gave up all those pts to Army.   What the Sam Hill is gonna happen?  I hope its just improvem't but maybe CFN actually got it right this yr.  Sigh...it's truly grievous to contemplate.  :(

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True to form bien response, anyone with a different opinion is an idiot and knows nothing about football. It must really be tough knowing so much about everything and having to correct so many stupid idiots!

this isn't just a youth issue on offense, it has been a problem for years with both experienced and young players. Obviously the players aren't executing but the question is WHY the hell aren't they executing? Have we just been unlucky year after year getting players that are unable to execute or do we have a problem with the coaches ability to teach the fundamentals necessary to be able to execute properly. The latter is the only constant over time and therefore seems to me very appropriate to question.  Even with MB the offense still struggled, yeah we scored points but nearly all year Marquel had to scramble all over the place after broken plays and wait for some receiver to open up or to take it for himself. This masked alot of problems but many still noticed it and commented on it back then as well. IMO it's not even that the system suited Marquel but that Marquel kept the system from being a complete disaster and now that we don't have him the system is exposed. I also am surprised at any call for Leavitt's head but a call for him to take action with assistants doesn't surprise me one bit and as I recall last year all we heard from you was bashing Hobbie's abilities especially in the area of passing routes and how basic they were etc etc... But then again I'm sure I don't know a **** thing about football and you are the wise one we should all listen to....you are always so dead on right like the way you bashed all those who "didn't know anything about football" before the season when they expressed concern that the defensive backfield would be weak this year due to replacing seniors with inexperienced players. Remember bien, how they all didn't know anything and that our incredible talent increase would more then make up for the loss of the seniors? Sure glad you were right about that since we would certainly be struggling defensively this year if not.

You're **** straight because anyone that suggest's Jim Leavitt should be fired or his head should be on the chopping block is ignorant, and shouldn't be posting in the first place.  Whatever, the ridiculousness of the sentiment here is sad, we aren't even close to a position where we should be demanding the firing of a coach that's done wonders for our program.

We've had a few players that haven't executed and haven't performed,  it's difficult to point fingers at the coaching staff, albeit maybe Rod Smith, when PJ has absolutely missed open WR's.  There's nothing the staff can do when Camon turns out to be a bust, and absolutely no one wants to step up at SS so we shove in a true freshman.  There's absolutely nothing we can do when Battle, after three years of solid play, suddenly disappears at gametime, and Searcy, after an amazing spring practice, suddenly was a no show in the fall (he's still here just a shell of the player many saw in the spring).  I don't know what's happening, and the coaches have tried frickin everything.  You see them shuttling in players with no conscience, they played 6 different DT's on Saturday.

I suppose some expectations were given that were not met.  What do you want to say Doug when you have two DT's, including LRS, that are RS-Seniors, and playing horrendous football, getting blown off the ball, absolutely zero pass rush, and then it exposes our smallish LB's, and safeties.  The offense has been close, but inconsistent play from an OL that we all expected to be solid- one drive they absolutely blow the competition off the ball, the next its an illegal procedure penalty, then a missed block for a loss on the run, then we're facing 2nd and 3rd down and 15+ yards to go, not PJ's forte (although oddly he executed it against TCU in those positions).

Bullsheaded, I am not going to sit back and read this seriously overblown, overreactions and pointing fingers at parties that are not to blame without making comments.  Call me an idiot, but there's too many knee jerk reactions on this website, I mean a thread that says www.firejimleavitt.com, come on, we need to be a bit classier, and smarter than that.  I do agree that Hobbie deserves some blame, although surprisingly this has been Hobbie's best year thus far, but it might be too little too late.

In the end it's players that were expected to make plays and step up not doing it.  It's difficult to blame the coaching staff at this point because in the past CJL and crew have been able to get the most out of players.  You almost have to sit back, and wait it out to see if these players will develop as expected or if our issues are more glaring.  In the end coaching changes on offense seem almost a necessity at this point if for no other reason then to improve the talent level of the staff, bring it on par with the defensive unit.  Do not fire Dawsey, and Franks, they've done an oustanding job this year, what Franks has done with Crossley has been magical, and actually seeing receivers sustain blocks down field is freshing and was once rare to see in RayJay.

I am pissed because some prudence needs to be practiced on these boards, and then we shouldn't swarm to the feast like vultures, and pile on.  If some are going to talk, talk intelligibly.

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Something to think about.  Are the WRs really holding blocks longer/better or do the Bulls now have a RB (Hall) who hits the holes fast & hard enuff for them to really count?  This may be the difference in a 3-4 second block.  Just a thought.

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Everyone has an opinion whether it's good or bad and you always have trolls around to cause problems but nothing is going to happen until the end of the season.  I'm sure the coaching staff and AD staff are all aware of the problems, lets see how JL and staff handle the pressure and players.  Imagine how Zook feels or even Tressel at OSU, three losses in a row and an offense that is really bad.  We don't have the tradition nor do we have the deep pockets at this point to endure alot of change.  Remember some schools don't have to recruit kids just want to play there, but we need to recruit and recruit hard.  We need stability and if nothing changes then address the head coach or staff.

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Something to think about.  Are the WRs really holding blocks longer/better or do the Bulls now have a RB (Hall) who hits the holes fast & hard enuff for them to really count?  This may be the difference in a 3-4 second block.  Just a thought.

NOPE, in fact Andre Hall has actually slowed down his run to the holes the past few games.  Initially he was hitting the holes so fast there wasn't any holes.

The WR's are blocking better down field.  It's being done with Crossley in the game as well as Hall.  A good example is our ability to go wide running sweeps, and option plays effectively.  You can't succeed on those plays without superb receiver blocking.  We're getting it.

I am not sure if you remember last season the WR's would miss blocks, their footwork was atrocious, they'd be off their routes and at the snap they'd get blown up, and never get into their routes.  It was actually an effort in futility because the receivers looked horrific, even Whitaker for all his size was a bad blocker.  

I remember in the 2nd quarter on a toss sweep to Crossley who rumbled forward for 12 yards inside the 10 yard line, it was a combination first Bain came across and sealed the inside with a great cross block, and Garris crossed out and closed out the corner.  It was pretty, and last year what would have happened is we would have never had our receiver in motion, by the time the slot man got to the inside he would get brushed aside by a bigger player, or blow the block, the outside receiver would miss the corner, and thus not sealing the outside lane for Crossley who was able to pick up 12, instead last year he would have rumbled ahead for like four, mainly by rumbling, and stumbling forward with his big body, but on that run Crossley went 8 yards before he was even touched!

What I like is that the WR's have potential, and now that they're running good routes if we can just get the ball delivered to them properly we can make some plays.  I remember last year on slant patterns part of the problem the QB's had was they didn't know if or when our WR's were going to make the turn inside, and usually what looked bad looked even worse because a player was usually not around as a pass was bounced to an empty area that should have been occupied by a receiver.  Now our guys are breaking from the line quicker, they're not getting jammed in fact corners are starting to play off them a bit because we're burning deep.  All around good play, and good job by Dawsey.  Now if he can help recruiting he'll be worlds better than Pajic ever was to this team.

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bien, my opinion agrees with yours that demanding Leavitt's head is an over reaction...however you obviously haven't noticed just about every person on this board has said the same thing. On the other hand asking for the head of several offensive coaches is NOT an over reaction. The offense did not lose this game but it has been a consistent problem for years and calling them out is not merely a reaction to this game nor is it something new and that goes for comments I've heard from you as well. You made a great point in another thread about how the running game has improved with the addition of Franks and how he has turned Crossley's techniques completely around to the point that he is playing at a much higher level then in the past.  This is exactly what I was talking about in my posts above and why I am questioning the current offensive coaches ability to teach these athletes the techniques necessary to play at the level we are now playing in instead of the level we played in the past. IMO if we upgrade the other coaches to the level of a Franks we would see the same types of improvements in the other positions as we have in the running game.

Now, what pisses ME off is every time you disagree with a poster you must proclaim them ignorant of knowing anything about football and many times must also call them a-holes or other such comments. Hey I got news for you, I have read many many posts that you have disagreed with that were well thought out, logical and obviously written by people who know something about this sport even if you don't believe so. I'm sorry if you can't stand to hear anything negative about this team but sometimes the truth just plain old hurts and right now the truth is we are playing like crap and youth isn't the only problem by a long shot. I don't like to hear it or say it but reality is reality.

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