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Calling for JL's head?-Your Thoughts??


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I'm surprised you wasted that many words on BullOnly. You ever see him around after a win? No, he's just going to keep running that stupid line out until he's proven correct then lord it over everyone until the end of time.

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Jewbull, your a moron.  As much as I dislike JL, he is still a very good coach.  USF had no right winning half the games it won last year, I guess you though that USF had more talent then Louisville and Memphis last year.  Guess what, they did not.  JL has won you games you had no right winning.  

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I cannot believe you guys want to fire Hobbie-- his group put up 35 points in this game. Typically-- that is more than enough to get the job done. Bottom line is we didn't execute on defense when we needed to get it done.

Mike - I would agree that the defense shares a significant amount of blame for this loss -- why was an Army wide receiver complete uncovered on their first TD?

Still, the defense it hasn't been the problem that Hobbie has been for two years now.  Moreover, Hobbie could have made ONE call in the first quarter that probably would have changed the outcome of the game - he didn't make that call.

Any OC that can generate 35 points -- albeit against a less than stellar Army team--

"less than stellar"... talk about an understatement in describing the WORST DEFENSE IN ALL OF DIVISION I-A COLLEGE FOOTBALL.  Our offense was only able to generate 35.  ONLY 35!  If Hobbie had made a few better adjustments - and oh, I don't know, called one running play when he should have - we would be talking about a USF win, not a USF lost.  Defensive problems aside.

should not be the focus of your 'woe is me" posts. You can hate the play calling but in the end-- the best play calls only work when the players complete them correctly. A bad pass or a missed catch-- these are not the coordinators fault. Any amount of coaching is not going to change a player to suddenly make that clutch play. You cannot coach competence.

I agree that the players have some fault here.  But if you KNOW that PJ is inconsistent throwing the ball, why would you risk him throwing the ball - especially when running the football was going so well for 2 and a half quarters?  Notice that the first drive in the 3rd quarter, USF ran the ball 12 times and scored.  Hmm.  Could it be that Leavitt finally wised up and told him how to run his offense?

Many here seem to be overreacting to this loss, mostly because it was to a team YOU had predicted would be an easy win. I for one, do not ever want to lose CJL.

Me neither.  CJL stays as long as he wants to stay.  However, I can ask that he change two things - his offensive scheme and the coordinator that runs it.

This ridiculous talk about how he has "coasted since signing his big contract" is total horsecrap. The guy literally LIVES in his office and works non-stop to prepare for the games and recruit the players we need.

If you give up on coach CJL-- I would suggest you just give up watching the Bulls and find some other team to root for. I knew this day would come-- the day when all these "fans" who over-estimated our team's ability would cry foul once things didn't go their way. This game was simply the one they could really get on our team and coaches for. We had another close call last year against 1-AA NSU. Some people just seem happiest when things are at their worst. I mean-- who wants to read posts about how great things are when they can read about every possible little thing that is wrong? Thus we see post after post about penalties EVEN when we do win the games. Then we lose to some team you have no respect for and you go apechit about it and want to throw everything away that we've worked on since we have, in those poeples opinions, "hit bottom".

I've seen the same BS used to talk about the basketball team and it was only a matter of time before these same brilliant posters would have a field day regarding our football team. It disgusts me to see people who love this football team (or say they do) write so many nasty things anytime they see something go wrong.  In this game-- we put up 35 points (ok-- 28 if you want to throw out the bomb to Bain). Yet instead of talking about the 42 points our defense gave up and expressing the need to fire the Defensive coordinators-- we beat the same old drum of "get rid of Hobbie".

Yup.  Mike Hobbie has been a problem in EVERY game this year.  The Defense has not been as big of a problem.  South Carolina was simply a better team.  However, we should have won both the Southern Miss and the Army games.  USF should be sitting here at 4-1 instead of 2-3.

Moreover, the problem with the defense is not play calling.  How many times do we have to run a reverse and lose 5-7 yards before Hobbie realizes that play doesn't work? He's done it every game, and from what I've seen it has been for a loss every time.  How many times do we have to try

Drag him through the streets for not meeting your idea of play calling? That is just disgusting to me.

hy·per·bo·le - n.   A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect.

You make it sound like the Hobbie is the only problem here or that he has never done anything worthy of keeping his job.

Name one thing he has done that says he is anything better than a high school coach who can't make it at this level.  I can not think of any.  He has only survived this long because the players on the field were able to overcome his problems.  Only now, without a Blackwell or a Fisher on the team, are we able to see just how bad he really is.

If that is your opinion-- so be it. I find the whole comment repugnant and uninformed.

In my not-so-humble-opinion: Fire Mike Hobbie Now!

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Hey Guru,

You are right about that. Leavitt did win USF some games last year that were close. He made some good calls. What I am upset about is the fact that USF is one of the most undisciplined teams in the country year after year under Leavitt's watch. I am not mad at the offense, I am just mad at the stupid penalties that cost USF games. Now, USF's defense is pretty weak right now too. I think if our defensed played better, we would beat ARMY and many other teams. I think we have alot of things that can be easily corrected. When USF plays their A game then I believe we are a tough foe. When USF makes stupid penalties and blows coverages then we are an easy win for our opponent right now. The UL game is going to be interesting because these kids dont want to get embarrased on national TV. Hopefully they can keep it respectable against UL. And GURU, USF had alot more talent last season with Reed, Fisher, Whitaker, Maurice Jones, etc. We are just too young right now. I know our offensive line has experience, but our WRs and QBs are not there yet. That is our problem on offense. Our Defense is bad in the secondary because we are very young there as well.  I cant tell you how many times they have gotten beat on the deep pass. I will tell you that Darrell Hackney of UAB will have a carreer day against USF if we dont improve.

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its just a bad loss all programs have them specially young teams hopefully they will learn from this and move forward

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Here's the deal. CJL relies too heavily on the OC who in my opinion, friend or no friend of CJL needs to step down. HE SUCKS!!! By the way, are we not suppose to have a quick hit offense with the no huddle? Hell, they run the playclock down to almost zero for every play, why not huddle up. By not hitting quick, the D, it seems to me, see's our formation and has LOTS of time to set up to defend. Hell, I think if we played Armwood, we'd lose! Hobbie needs to go, not CJL!

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defense young

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The problem I and I believe some of the other posters have with CJL is he has been making THE SAME mistakes over and over again.  Go back and run a search on some of the losses from last year and you will see the same complaints as you see this season.

1. Spread Offense doesnt work (this was obvious last season but no change, does anyone think this scheme will work in the Big East???)

2. Very questionable playcalling at times which makes no sense.  (Too many examples to list)

3.  Horrible clock management. (Again, going back 2 years, too many examples to list)

4.  Poor conservation of timeouts (which potentially lost several games for us over the past 2 years.)

5. Penalties (This was better this week, but has been a real problem over the past several years)

6. Dicipline (players getting in trouble off the field, and losing thier cool often times on the field.  Taking bad penalties at cruicial points in the game, see #5.  Running around with thier shirts untucked looking like slobs, and an undiciplined team, I could go on...)

These are all things that I can remember that were serious problems last year, and the fact that none of these things seemed to have been addressed in the offseason, or in the first few weeks of the season really has me questioning what the hell CJL is doing..

It is obvious he has been an amazing coach to accomplish what he has, but this just baffles me.  Week after week it is the same story over and over again.  

So it is not that people on this board don't like CJL (with the exception of Bullony) it is just that we have been seeing the same mistakes play out week after week, and they arent mistakes like Peyton dropping a TD pass or Julmiste throwing a pick, these things are going to happen you can only practice train your guys and hope for the best come gametime.  

On the other hand things like clock management, conserving timeouts and several other things I mentioned above all CAN be controlled, but arent.  And it really leaves me scratching my head wondering why CJL does not address these issues.  

Its the same thing over and over again.  

I swear sometimes I feel like Bill Murray in "Groundhog Day".

And once again, every seems to agree that the OC needs to go, that again comes down to CJL, he is responsible.  If his Coordinators arent getting the job done then he needs to replace them, or step in and do the job himself.

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I cannot believe you guys want to fire Hobbie-- his group put up 35 points in this game. Typically-- that is more than enough to get the job done. Bottom line is we didn't execute on defense when we needed to get it done. Any OC that can generate 35 points -- albeit against a less than stellar Army team-- shold not be the focus of your 'woe is me" posts. You can hate the play calling but in the end-- the best play calls only work when the players complete them correctly. A bad pass or a missed catch-- these are not the coordinators fault. Any amount of coaching is not going to change a player to suddenly make that clutch play. You cannot coach competence.

I agree with so many of your points here such as yes the defense didn't get it done and you can't blame this loss on the offense BUT the defense has been awesome for years and this year is the first time we've seen this type of play out of them and I expect this will not stay the same year after year and if it does well then people will and should have these very same comments about the defensive coaches. I also agree that the players must execute plays but I can't disagree more that any amount of coaching won't help players make clutch plays or become competent on the field.....uhhhhhh what the hell do we have coaches for other then to teach players HOW to make the plays?? It's called fundamentals ie...the TOOLS these players need in order to execute plays properly and if they don't have them then guess what, the players will not be able to execute even hobbies simplistic playground offense. Really, do people really expect that a coach is there merely to draw up a play and help a kid memorize the play? What reason would we even need cordinators or position coaches if not to actually teach the kids how to be competent, shoot if that's the case lets just save some money and can all the coaches other then Leavitt and he can hand out playbooks and voiala! Coaches responsibility is complete and we can blame the players for not being able to execute that book.

It is quite clear after watching this offense for several years (no this talk isn't due to one game or year but a few years) that we have problems in the offense. The problems in the scheme and play calling is a given but I have to question if our coaches have the ability to teach these kids the fundamentals necessary to play top level division 1-A ball.

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Absolutely NOT!!! Getting rid of the man who has gotten us this far is ludicrous!!! Now replaceing other key personnel, like OC, yes! And after this year, I think that is what is going to happen.

I think MikeG, what Jon was trying to say, is that with Marquell, it seemed to him that the quick hit no huddle baffled the opponents during that era and was a boon to our system. These post Quell days however, the same offense is being run with a much slower paced execution. I would have to agree with Jon on this one and question why. Clock control is one thing, execution is another. I have seen neither/ But to even talk about getting rid of Coach is rediculous!!!   Reaper

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