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Our University Part 2 (New changes to the old one)


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Nice little quote right here for ya:


If a student borrows $50,000 for college and makes prompt payments from graduation through the end of the 10-year term, he or she will pay approximately $20,000 in interest and fees.  

But, consumer advocates say, if the borrower misses payments or allows the loan to go into default, the companies pounce. Late payment penalties that equal 25 percent of the loan's value are common, said Alan Collinge, founder of StudentLoanJustice.org, an advocacy group for borrowers.  

"Who wouldn't want to be in that business? You can't

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All you are doing by raising tuition rates -- is forcing kids to borrow more money from Sallie Mae and continuing to saddle graduates with thousands of more dollars in debt.

It is a stupid move.

And to sell it the way they are selling it is just sad.

"High tuition will increase the quality of education given to the students."

What a joke.

There is ZERO correlation between tuition charged and education recieved.  IF that was the case we would all be enrolled in private schools and the University of Tampa would be the Harvard of Hillsborough County.

It seems like the biggest theme of your argument is you stating that you’re just looking out for the students that would be affected by this. Yet reading around the UF, FSU and this board’s opinions, I gather that the majority of students are in favor of this and don’t mind the extra premium that will be charged, even if it means borrowing it from Sallie Mae. We all get it, loans suck, you pay interest etc. However, if people are for it, they obviously see a benefit that outweighs this cost.

I see what you’re saying about your belief that higher tuition does not correlate to better education immediately. However, that’s not really the biggest benefit that I saw from this. By only allowing this for UF, FSU, and USF it is creating the perception of a top tier in Florida Public Universities. That is a great thing for USF. Additionally, the extra revenue will hopefully be used wisely to eventually improve education and infrastructure and act as a catalyst to help us achieve our goals over time. So although immediate returns will not be seen by these incoming students that will initially pay this premium, the value of all of our degrees will continue to rise even after we’re graduated and gone as the University continues to improve and gain in stature. AAU membership benefits all of us no matter if we’re in school when it happens, or 20 years from now.

Lastly, another possible benefit would be that this higher tuition will possibly turn away those wannabee students that aren’t as serious about their education, and would rather seek a bargain and a good time elsewhere. That alone will pay huge dividends, IMO.

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I am on record with the belief that tuition should actually be cut.


I have said it a hundread times.  Having tuition that is at a level where a student needs to borrow 10's of thousands of dollars makes ZERO sense economically.


It is a stupid theory.  It is stupid economically.  It is stupid financially.

Imagine if we charged to go to public high school...?

It is stupid.

My humble opinion.

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"Debt has been sold to us so aggressively, so loudly, and so often that to imagine living without debt requires myth-busting. Debt is so ingrained into our culture that most Americans can’t even envision a car without a payment … a house without a mortgage … a student without a loan … and credit without a card. We’ve been sold debt with such repetition and with such fervor that most folks can’t conceive of what it would be like to have no payments."

 Dave Ramsey,

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I am on record with the belief that tuition should actually be cut.


I have said it a hundread times.  Having tuition that is at a level where a student needs to borrow 10's of thousands of dollars makes ZERO sense economically.


It is a stupid theory.  It is stupid economically.  It is stupid financially.

Imagine if we charged to go to public high school...?

It is stupid.

My humble opinion.

When its cold at night and I cant pay my electric bill to turn on my heat, you know whats going to keep me warm?  Those degrees!  

Sallie Mae is my pimp.  i will owe them money for the rest of my life.  i did a semester of college courses at Hofstra.  you think florida education is expensive, one semester at hofstra basically equals to the amount i owe for 4 years at usf.  ugghh

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My theory is that

"Are we running a business or a public institution?"

I realize that USF needs revenue...

I guess the question is "How do we meet that goal or need.?"

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The quality of education one receives is a function of the instructors we can hire. Currently, we can not compete with other universities in hiring because our faculty and instructors are so poorly-paid.

You can either have a USF with a ****** reputation or a USF with a good reputation. If you want USF to have a good reputation, you need to be able to hire decent faculty members. Only money can do that. Seriously, if you're trying to decide between making $40,000 at USF and $80,000 at (for example) Alabama which one would you choose?

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Can't we all just get along???  Its obvious that all parties involved here want the best for USF students and the best opportunities for USF.  A few thoughts from me (what, did you think I would have nothing to say about this? ;):

If BF were to raise their standards - then maybe kids would have to work harder in school if they wanted a free ride.  Educating kids who aren't smart enough to succeed in a 4 year university is stupid economically and financially.  Why don't we just start there? I think that is the most realistic thing that can be accomplished right now- given the current political climate.

Can we agree that every tom **** and harry is not ENTITLED to a free 4 year education? Can we agree that college is a privilege not a right and that if you have a 2.0 unweighed GPA from a PUBLIC HS in one of the WORST ranked states for education in the nation - that you DO NOT DESERVE a FL education -- let alone a free one!

Also - this loophole that guarantees admission to any 4 year FL university if you complete your AA in community college is BULL$H*T! CC grads should have to apply and compete with the rest of the applicants like everyone else! I didn't work my A$$  of in undergrad - bust my A$$ through 8 years of prep school and 4 years of Plant HS honors courses to sit next to the guy who dropped out junior year and barely graduated HCC. I know life's not fair- but that is ridiculous!

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You are talking to a HCC Hawk ...

Class of 1998 kid.

I resent your close the loophole...

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You are talking to a HCC Hawk ...

Class of 1998 kid.

I resent your close the loophole...

no no no !!!! You probably went to class and tried!!!! There are TONS of HCC grads that are smart and driven and will make great leaders. There are others who skate by - BARELY graduate - and then expect to automatically get into USF or UF. Thats just not right. My dad went to HCC too. But its not right to just admit someone to any 4 year public university in Fl just because they have an AA from CC. Thats all.

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