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The Perception of USF Athletics

Guest BasketBull.

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Guest BasketBull.

We have a lot of different perspectives on this board and I think it would be great if everybody shared their view of USF athletics, be it about a particular sport or about the entire program.

This year more any other that I can remember, there have been so many things happening that allowed for glimpses of different views on USF athletics, sometimes a particular sport.

Different media sources have their own perspectives. Nationally, I think S.I. loves USF the most. Locally, well... Even the Oracle has their take...

Reading Tony Grier's book "A Reaging Bull: Chasing the Big Time", I immediately sense a very different perspective on USF athletics.

Coach Leavitt will see USF differently than you or I...

Our AD has his own version of USF athletics...

The list is endless...

So, share whatever's on your mind or you can try to use the following questions as a guide:

1) What's your position?

(alumni, dorm student, Tampa Bay resident, USF athlete, former USF athlete, another college's fan, faculty, staff...)?

2) What do you think of USF athletics?

How are the programs? Do you have a preference for a particular program? Do you attend games? What do you like and don't like about USF athletics? How's the fan base? How's the promotion of events? What's good, not good, or missing? Is USF on par with FSU, UM, and uf? If not, how many years until USF is in that position? Where do you see USF athletics in another 10 years?

3) How is "life" as a fan for you?

(For example, if you are a first-year student living in the dorms, what's it like? Is there a buzz about USF athletics? If you are a Tampa Bay resident, is it difficult or easy to be a fan? What about alumni? Are there USF evens for where you reside? ...)

4) Do you have any suggestions for USF athletics or the Bulls Fans?

5) What's the one thing that you are most proud of as a Bulls Fan?

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1) What's your position?


2) What do you think of USF athletics?

I think that one of the greatest challenges that USF Athletics faces is the size of its fan base.  Usualy, a school grows, its fan base grows, and its athletics grows.  However, the growth of our athletic programs has outpaced its fan base.  Some of that is due to the age of the university, some to the youth of the football program, some to the perception of USF as a commuter school, some to the availability of alternative entertainment in Tampa.  However, unless the fan base starts growing at a faster pace, the athletics program will continue to face issues related to poor attendance.

3) How is "life" as a fan for you?

Well, living outside of Florida, there is very little opportunity for me to actually see our teams play.  Therefore, I am dependent upon online broadcasts, which could use more attention.  However, this is an area that is affected by the size of the fan base.

4) Do you have any suggestions for USF athletics or the Bulls Fans?

I think that Athletics is doing its part to strengthen the program.  Could they do better?  Of course, there's always room for improvement.  However, I think that there are many in our fan base, especially online, that are unrealistic sometimes.  I attribute this to three factors: the general youth of our fan base, the astronomical growth that athletics has already shown, and the general sociological trend where everyone expects everything RIGHT NOW.

5) What's the one thing that you are most proud of as a Bulls Fan?

It is gratifying to see USF in the news, with the talking heads discussing how we are at the cusp of making it to the big time on the national stage.  We've come a long way, and it is noce to see USF starting to get recognized.

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1. Alumni/Grad student

2. I agree with USFMikeB...I think the biggest problem is with our fan base, but I also know that it will evenually grow.  We are(were?) a commuter school and I think that doesn't help the fan base.  Also, I think the biggest reason is that USF has a very high number of transfer students.  So the program has to not only fight a lack of tradition, but also other schools students attending USF.  Hence the horrible article in the Oracle.

3.Life as a fan has been odd for me.  As an under grad I did go to most of the games, but I never really noticed anyone else getting exctied over a game, but that has more to do with the program I was in (Philosophy).  As a grad student I don't know anyone else in my program that goes to games.  They either have oter teams or just don't go.  However I do get a lot of, "Oh I really should go, I have never been as an undergrad."I have gone to just about every game since 2000 and I can say from a fans viewpoint, the crowds are getting better.

4.  I think the department is doing a great job...I think the problem is the press.  In the SP times and the Trib we always get overshadowed by anything happening to the big three.  These are supposed to be our communities papers and they give more coverage to other teams.  For example, when we beat WVU and were pushed to a small headlline on the bottom by a big story about Florida beating and unranked FSU.  

5. Its great to see USF in the news and when I see real USF fans around town, but I am the most proud to be a fan when we accomplish something great.  Jess. Dickinson, Beating WVU. Louisville, winning our first bowl game, etc. etc.  It shows the passion, respect, and committment that these  athletes have for our school

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1) What's your position?


2) What do you think of USF athletics?

Fan base.  I agree with Mike, a lot of the problem is not that we're so much a commutter school (a tag that still exists, and is VERY hard for urban universities to remove because it's much easier to go home on the weekends or  weeknights.) Another problem is the fact that we have so many part time students and satellite campuses that don't allow USF to reach to them.

That being said we are exactly where we probably should be as far as football fanbase. Basketball and other sports are hurting however.

3) How is "life" as a fan for you?

Living in Cincy, I try and watch every football game, basketball when on and baseball I'll follow passively. I'm moving in a few months to either Orlando or Richmond, VA. So we'll see.

4) Do you have any suggestions for USF athletics or the Bulls Fans?

See Mike. I just think people need to understand that football is the cornerstone of this athletic department and it NEEDS to grow first. When it is doing well, then we can work towards the "super" athletic department. (see: Ohio State, Florida, Texas) Its will take at least 20 years so be patient.

5) What's the one thing that you are most proud of as a Bulls Fan?

We're growing and despite what some on the board try and tell us, people recognize how far our football team has come.

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BasketBull--The "perception" issue for USF has gone through many peaks and valley's...

In the early days we were considered a "School of Opportunity" for those who could not or didn't care to go to UF or FSU...Kind of like "hey come here and we'll educate you"...

At first that was the atmospher USF creating and rightfully so...Then Athletics came on board and the same concept helped jump-shoot sports and most notable basketball...

Because of the "Accent on Learning" motto the next bump in the road was navigating sports into the mind-set of adminstrators..."perceptions" started to kick in...This made the sports growth difficult for fans "outside" the University to grab hold because the in-fighting at USF prevented the community from jumping on board in a big way back then...

The Sun Dome was a key piece to the "overcoming our image" game plan that AD **** Bowers had hoped for in the beginning...The new "perception" once the building opened started to change the image of the University and things began to fall into place...So we thought...

Big Buildings, marketing campaigns cost money and the gamble almost went bust until Paul Griffin came on board...Which helps show your point about different "perceptions" about events and people...

Around this time Football was starting to make noise in discussions and finally we were in the hunt for a team...Lee Roy Selmon helped bridge that gap...Again "perception" of USF not being a sports/football school made it's way around campus and Tampa Bay...It was students like you and years before Frank Winkles who kept the idea fresh in the minds of the University and community...Another "perception" that students didn't care? Not true...Most desired what we see today in Football and the Big East...

Now we are playing in the Big Time and the "perception" is we may not be ready?...Money is so important now...We have most of what we need and it will take imput from alumni all over the land to keep up...Some would say well that's the Athletic programs problem?...Well, those comments will never go away...We lie in our bed but over the last 36 years we have made bold moves and "my" "perception" is we carried a big load and it's helped the University grow....Dr. Judy Genshaft said as we grow so does Tampa Bay and vise versa...."Perception" is changing and we're here for the ride....

Go Bulls!

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1) What's your position?

Former USF athlete

2) What do you think of USF athletics?

Attend football and soccer games. I might start attending basketball. I

I like that we are underdogs, I know one day we will be a major force to contend with.  Matter of time.  Fan base could be better.  USF needs money to compete with FSU, UM, and UF.  10 years and a lot of money.

In 10 years a consistent threat.

3) How is "life" as a fan for you?


4) Do you have any suggestions for USF athletics or the Bulls Fans?

People who graduate from USF and support FSU, or UF because of their friends and they want to seem cool are chickens.

5) What's the one thing that you are most proud of as a Bulls Fan?

When we beat Pitt in Football a few years back and then last year when we beat WVA in West Virginia.  

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1) What's your position?


2) What do you think of USF athletics?

Too early to say. Got decades of "fair-weather" spirits to reverse. We're well on our way to being on a tier with the other big time schools...and there is only one way to do it: win. I think the infrastructure is there..but we certainly aren't where we're going to be in 10 years. I only have time to make the trek to the football games...but attended basketball and football when I was a student and feel the same now as I did then: marketing and promotion is VERY poor.

3) How is "life" as a fan for you?

I work in Sarasota and the buzz isn't as strong as you'd like on the street. USF must realistically set their territory as far South as Naples/alligator alley, as far north as Ocala, and as far east as Lakeland. The average resident still sees our "U" logo and doesn't know what it is. I'd definitely recommend posting billboards along I-75.

4) Do you have any suggestions for USF athletics or the Bulls Fans?

Be adamant...but remain realistic and show some class. I'd rather have educated fans who can talk about our program without slamming another school or being obnoxious. That's just embarrassing....

5) What's the one thing that you are most proud of as a Bulls Fan?

My diploma....

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1.) What's your position?


2) What do you think of USF athletics?

we are the best we have ever been. good to great coaches on most team, god to great AD, admin support, BE, BCS $$$ to fuel our continued growth

3) How is "life" as a fan for you?  

Great,  mostly because of this board

4) Do you have any suggestions for USF athletics or the Bulls Fans?

market heavily to current students...no student should graduate without a student and even a parent athletics (football) tix package in their hands.

5) What's the one thing that you are most proud of as a Bulls Fan?

CJL and the program that he has built. Rarely does a dream (grad in '91) get fulfilled beyond your expectations

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1) What's your position?

Alumni.  1997 grad and current president of the Pinellas County Alumni Chapter.

2) What do you think of USF athletics?

When I attended USF, I was a transfer.  I got married, started a career and had a daughter so I took one class per semester at USF St. Petersburg.  I do not have any USF memories so football and getting involved with the alumni association have been my memories.  

I have never been a huge basketball fan but since I love USF athletics, I have become a big fan of the men's and women's bb programs.  I love baseball and have a renewed interest in our program with Coach Prado.  

With the hiring of Coach Heath, I do not think USF athletics has been in a better position coaching-wise.  With Jose leading women's bb, Lelo getting the baseball team  back to winning, Leavitt has done miracles with the football team, Erickson has been a proven winner with softball, and the other athletic programs that have done well, AD Woolard has really taken USF athletics to a new level.

I would love to attend more games but between my work schedule and living in Pinellas, it's rough to make the trip to USF more than once a week, especially with gas at almost $3/gallon.  

The fan base will grow as the programs become more successful.  Improvements to the Sun Dome and baseball field will also bring out more people.

In 10 years, we will  officially be known as part of the "Big 4" in Florida since we will have won the NC.  

3) How is "life" as a fan for you?

Can it get any better?  Where else can you watch a college football game with a team on the rise? A baseball team who appears to knows how to win week in and week out.  A basketball team that may have found the right coach for the BE.  And a women's team who should have been in the NCAA tourney for the second year in a row.   It is a great time to be a Bull!

4) Do you have any suggestions for USF athletics or the Bulls Fans?

For athletics:  Keep doing what you have been doing.  Maybe some different type of promos for basketball and baseball, i.e. two for ones, free entry into Green and Gold room (give people a tast of it), 7 pm start time for baseball games (6 is hard with Tampa traffic)

For fans:  keep supporting the programs any way you can.  

5) What's the one thing that you are most proud of as a Bulls Fan?

One thing?  I am proud to be a Bulls fan in general.  Like I said before, this is a great time to be a Bull!

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1) What's your position?

Fan of the football program. I was reborn as a college football fan when USF announced they were starting football.

2) What do you think of USF athletics?

I thin it took a major step forward with the hire of A.D. Woolard. I really only follow football, as does this state. Just wish more alum would support the other programs.

3) How is "life" as a fan for you?

As a football fan, I really sense the state of Florida fans are starting to recognize USF as a team ready to make big waves on a national scene.

4) Do you have any suggestions for USF athletics or the Bulls Fans?

To USF Athletics: continue what you are doing.

To USF fans: BRING It !!! & SUPPORT !!!

5) What's the one thing that you are most proud of as a Bulls Fan?

Our loyal football coach.


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