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Self Concept Theory (For the MAC supporters)

Guest wildrover

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Self concept theory ?

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Regardless of how I feel about RMc - the rude and ruthless attacks/comments (not to mention a lot of the incorrect or erroneous comments) had to be addressed.

Many good folks gave up addressing Dark Siders' claims and repetitive comments.  As a facilitator of a board that hopes to garner new fans, I felt there had to be an opposing viewpoint presented, and people with an axe to grind had to be exposed for that.  

Beyond that, to focus so much on RMc, or the next head coach is a dangerous path to take.  This school needs to show a fuller committment - RMc has shown one.  It's just not getting done.  Seth showed one - he couldn't turn the corner.

Despite the Dark Siders' claim that our coach is a "clown" (among other not so nice things), people that really care need to know more about the state of the program itself, the difficulties faced so far and the difficulties in the future.  People really need to invest time to find what the real issues are and where "reality" really exists.

To bash Coach McCullum, whom I have never met, should not have gone unchallenged and in many cases thankfully it did not.  I'd like us to have some sense of dignity on this board.

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in a previous incarnation two years back, as turkey shizzler, I declared mr. mccullum a disaster and predicted doom and gloom for USF men's basketball as long as he was the coach.

however, i consider myself a "bright-sider'' because I believe that if we finally bring in a legitimate coach/recruiter, and i know mr. woolard can find one, we can do well, we can make the big east tournament most years. I don't believe this 'toughest job in America stuff,' and if USF was a career-killer, then how come it didn't kill mr. greenberg's career?

the reasons for mr. mccullum's failings are legion, though his supporters say mostly irrelevant things that might not even be true, like "he is a good man'' (really? i know many who have had to work with him who strongly disagree, including one from W. Michigan who said mccullum is the worst guy he ever worked for, a total fraud) and "he runs a clean program'' (as if that's some sort of bonus virtue, that he isn't among the small group of scumbag coaches who run dirty programs.)

mr. mcculllum created an unstable environment with USF basketball in which for several years there was vast turnover among his players and staff. who can succeed with such chaos?

mr. mccullum is a terrible recruiter. I could list a billion examples here, v. the handful of good examples (bradley mosley rest in peace). but what is most bothersome is that mr. mccullum is like an alley dog raiding other people's trash. almost none of our players are OUR players - started college at USF and finished at USF. it's okay to get a transfer here or there, or a juco here or there, or a kid who signs with another school first like solomon bozeman, but mr. mccullum has built this entire program on such players, and you cannot generate fan support that way, much less generate continuty on the court. where are the guys who came here as freshman and are playing their junior and senior seasons? we don't have any and that's a big reason why we stink.

mr. mccullum also is duller than dirt. he has no charisma, nothing to interest those who aren't reflexively drawn to the program because they love basketball and support their school team or community team. this might also be hurting his recruiting, and it's killing fan interest. How could the sun dome be so empty on senior night? it was embarrassing.

the only success mr. mccullum has had came because of three of mr. greenberg's players, terrence leather, brian swift and marlyn bryant, during a brief period at the very end of the 04-05 season. otherwise his teams have been as bad on the court as his program has been in disarray off it.

mr. mccullum seems to be a competent x's and o's guy. which makes him a good assistant coach, which is where he belongs and has belonged, instead of running our program into the gutter. we are irrelevant, and it is his fault. let's move on already.

by the way, this is all of the same stuff I said two years ago.

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JKP, aka whatever....

I don't recall anyone ever saying this job is a 'career killers', it's been simply called the 'toughest job in America', and whereas I will not agree with the assertion as the 'toughest' I do believe it is one of the top 5 hardest hoops jobs in all the major conferences.  That's not an opinion but there is real fact to prove it.

With that being said, McCullum might not have been 'skilled enough' to handle the complete daunting task that is required at USF, because here the responsibility of this hoops program rests squarely on the shoulders of the coach.  There is no hiding, you have to be a 'great' recruiter, x and o guy, and promoter at USF there is no inbetween....again there is insurmountable evidence to prove this is factual.  With that being said, many, like myself, have believed that despite a series of early missteps, and uncontrollable obstacles like injuries, defections, and losses a corner was finally being turned...just take into account the youth in the back-court and talent sitting on the bench (Dante Curry often compared to a Rip Hamilton type of player)....with the wins this year many felt next year would be promising and used the UofM entry into the Big East in 91' in which they went 1-31 in conference play in their first two years before winning it in year four, as a reason for optimism and comparison (Hamilton is a similar coach in style and skill to McCullum).

With that being said (again), it is clear that McCullum's deficiencies haven't made the road easy, and if Woolard makes a change then I am all for it because ultimately i support Doug, and USF.  My money, my season tixs, go to them not CRM, but I do think CRM could get us where we needed to be.  Darksiders, if that's how we need to term this crap, seem to think he's had his time and change is mandatory.  However many of the Darksiders seem to be younger student types (I could be wrong) and aren't fully aware of USF's limitations from a budget, and facilities standpoint, as well as from the pathetic history of USF hoops as a whole.  Therefore, some of us cagier vets know that patience is truly a virtue as a USF hoops fan, and we're realists knowing what to REALLY expect from USF and it's hoops program.  

With that being said (yet again), that's not to say a change isn't appropriate but rather the concern, since we've been down this road, again, and again, and again (hello groundhog day)- been going to USF hoops games since 81' by the way- that change, for the sake of change, doesn't often go very well for USF, particularly if we're doing it cheaper with less money, less support, and less facilities then everyone else.  The facts again don't lie.  In fact, I've heard very personally of candidates that have expressed interest and let's just say the names, many are recycled from the CRM hiring, and few have accomplished much more than what they claimed back then.  Yet a school like South Carolina, which appears poised to fire Odom, has candidates that are the "Who's who" lining up to be da man there....relativity and realism.  I hope, no pray, that Woolard has some new found money and reason to pop the top- but as many of us know the only areas it could come from are sponsorship, naming rights, or a giant advertiser.  

We shall see, I completely support Mac right now for the shear sake of the team...I believe if Woolard sticks with him for one more year, which I think there's reason and justification for this move, then he will finally shock some people....some could say and it would be appropriate, that even a blind squirrel can find a nut once in a while over five years, but then again next year might be the more appropriate time to make a move when we can hire with a bit more substance.  But should Woolard make a change I fully support it and believe there are good reasons and justification to make this move as well, and trust Woolard, even if he must do it on the cheap, will find a quality replacement because this is his sport.

I think that's how everyone SHOULD look at this team and program.  CRM is giving everything he has to make things better, and I think some people act like CRM is acting like Greenberg did in his final two years- coasting through.

Now this is the last thing I am going to say on the matter until after the season and a decision has been made.  I would expect anyone with even a modicum of class would respect the position and agree with it even as a 'darksider' or someone that simply wants change.  We all want change, that's the joke of it, even the guys supporting Mac WANT TO WIN.  DUH!  Some are waiting until the season is over, like me, I own season tixs for years so i hate spoiling a fun season over this petty crying and whining, and some want the change yesterday.  Regardless all this bickering is about winning....right?  Every faction, "Keep him," "Fire him," "Wait until the season concludes to make a decision," wants to win just different ways to go about it.

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We've all recently read at least one reporter say that one or two games shouldn't determine MAC's fate either way.  We've even read Mac quoted as saying the same.  Yet all the MAC supporters refuse to step up to the plate and admit they were wrong.  They continue to say "Not till the end of the season"  "I can wait till the end of the season before I evaluate him"  Honestly, do you really believe Woolard's mind isn't made up either way at this point?  What kind of AD would he be if he didn't already have a decision made regarding Mac's future, stay or go?  Yet there are so many fence sitters here who still refuse to evaluate the man's performance with only one game left (e.g. Bulliever's insistence on looking down his nose at Darksiders but not having the the huevos to say whether or not he thinks MAC should stay or go (one more game you know, lets not be rash in our decision making)).  

Seems pretty wishy washy to me, why would there be so many people who insist on "waiting till the end of the season" to say he should stay or get another shot?  I mean really, we've had like 3.999999 seasons completed under MAC's reign, do you really need one more game to figure out if you like him as our coach or not?  If so, lets hope none of you ever get called upon to command our brave men and women in time of war, your inability to make a decision could costs people lives, but I digress

Any psych or marketing major (marketing borrows a lot from psych when investigating consumer psychology) knows about self-concept theory or what we use to define ourselves.  We do it with the things we buy (I am my big house, I am my fast car, I am all the cool things that I have before my neighbor) the people we associate with (I know an important person, therefore I'm important too (Sheriff is the biggest name dropper I've ever seen, why do you think he does that?), I have a babe wife, that must make me cool, My kid is destined for the pros, therefore you should want to know me)  We also do it with our ideas and thoughts (If you disagree with my religion then you disagree with me, if you attack my political views then you also attack me and the most relevant to this conversation, If I admit I'm wrong then I'm admitting that I'm not as good, smart, intelligent etc. etc. as I thought I was)  who wants to admit that?  Surely not me

So here's the rub as I see it.  All the pro MAC people who have been throwing stones all season at the "Darksiders" acting holier than thou or as if they have some sort of enlightened view of USF basketball and anybody that disagrees with their opinion surely doesn't know what they are talking about, are having a hard time admitting they are wrong because they feel as if doing that forces them to admit some sort of flaw in themselves.  

Well guys I'm here to tell you that it's okay.  We are defined more by our actions than by our thoughts (wanting to bang your hot secretary behind your wife's back isn't the same as actually doing it).  Admitting that you we're wrong about MAC and that he needs to go is okay, you don't have to be attached to your thoughts anymore than you have to be attached to your car, fishtank or other material objects.  In other words, its okay to say "You know, I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt but after this much time, I think he needs to go"  or "I think he's a great coach he deserves an extension"  

But all this "I won't say anything till the end of the season" is starting to sound more and more ridiculous.


I went on record a week ago saying he should be back for at least next year, and others have indicated the same thing, though, not many. Please edit this lengthy soliliquy to not cast ALL pro-Mac people in the same light.

Thank you for assistance with this matter.

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We all want change, that's the joke of it, even the guys supporting Mac WANT TO WIN.  DUH!  Some are waiting until the season is over, like me, I own season tixs for years so i hate spoiling a fun season over this petty crying and whining, and some want the change yesterday.

How does talking about the program ruin a "fun" season?  What about this season was "fun"?  That's the attitude I don't get.  I get what you are saying that everyone is hoping we win, but sometimes it seems like it doesn't matter to people.  It seems by that statement that you'd enjoy the season no matter how successful we are.  After football season is over and some other sports have yet to get started (softball, baseball), what else is there to talk about?  Are we supposed to ignore the negatives and not criticize the program at all until the season is over?  What else would we talk about?  I also understand not calling anyone a "clown" as Bulliever says, but a lot of people can criticize the program without going nuts and name-calling.  Those are completely different things.  I don't know the coach personally so I'm not going to judge him personally.  However, our team needs to do better and I don't get the point of waiting for the season to be over to say anything negative about the basketball team.  Anyway, hopefully it does matter to everyone that we win, but sometimes it just seems like people are too complacent.

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 Some are waiting until the season is over, like me, I own season tixs for years so i hate spoiling a fun season over this petty crying and whining, and some want the change yesterday.  Regardless all this bickering is about winning....right?  Every faction, "Keep him," "Fire him," "Wait until the season concludes to make a decision," wants to win just different ways to go about it.

there is one game left, give me a break. the season has been over

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We all want change, that's the joke of it, even the guys supporting Mac WANT TO WIN.  DUH!  Some are waiting until the season is over, like me, I own season tixs for years so i hate spoiling a fun season over this petty crying and whining, and some want the change yesterday.

How does talking about the program ruin a "fun" season?  What about this season was "fun"?  That's the attitude I don't get.  I get what you are saying that everyone is hoping we win, but sometimes it seems like it doesn't matter to people.  It seems by that statement that you'd enjoy the season no matter how successful we are.  After football season is over and some other sports have yet to get started (softball, baseball), what else is there to talk about?  Are we supposed to ignore the negatives and not criticize the program at all until the season is over?  What else would we talk about?  I also understand not calling anyone a "clown" as Bulliever says, but a lot of people can criticize the program without going nuts and name-calling.  Those are completely different things.  I don't know the coach personally so I'm not going to judge him personally.  However, our team needs to do better and I don't get the point of waiting for the season to be over to say anything negative about the basketball team.  Anyway, hopefully it does matter to everyone that we win, but sometimes it just seems like people are too complacent.

I have no problem with people criticizing the program but the endless "fire Mac" talk is ridiculous. If we are not ready and willing to committ financially to this program then nothing will change regardless of who our coach is. That's what a lot of people don't get.

They come on here and call for Mac's dismissal thinking that all will be different just by changing the coach. They're wrong. I'm all for change if that means we will committ to competing financially in the BE.

I don't think  that Mac got a fair shot at success in the BE though with the limited resources we provided to him and for people to bash him for that is lame.

I just hope that if they do committ financially to basketball that it doesn't take away from the growth of our football program. I think that comes first.

One thing Woolard can do to raise some funds is to update the donor amounts for the best sections in the arena.

Kansas did this several years ago because they were having financial troubles and people were willing their tickets on after paying the same donation amounts for decades. It was unpopular with the old timers that had tickets for years but it was neccessary if they wanted to continue funding the program properly. They instantly raised millions in additional donations to keep their program solvent.

It's time for us to do this. We can't be expected to run a successful BE program off of Sunbelt donations. It allows younger alums who are willing and able to donate more to get the best seats. It also allows any of the old timers who are willing to up their donations to keep their seats.

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Guest Rueben_Horowitz

Great post Wildrover.

It doesn't take Freud to figure out that a lot of Pro-Macer's are more concerned about not offending each other than giving a real opinion on the state of the bb program. I'll take some of the blame/credit for this...There is no question that us DarkSider's have helped to unite the Pro-Macer's. The sad reality is that they (I won't name names) now want CRM to stay out of spite. They would rather have the program sink deeper into the abyss, than to admit they are wrong.

The justification of 'we shouldn't criticize CRM or the players during the season' is laughable, as you pointed out. Why are you posting if you have no opinions? Are you simply here to bash dissenting views? To try and discredit people? Give me a break.

And I love how any dissenting views are countered with feable attempts at discrediting the poster. ie - Ari/Herm/Rueb are the same person, or pot shots like 'I hope pych wasn't your major'...So stupid. Grow up.

I'll end by giving an opinion; which is the reason internet forums exist.

CRM has not displayed an ability to recruit, win big games, win close games, win road games, or win very much at all. While he has beaten 4 top 25 teams in 3yrs, I think the bad losses overshadow the wins; and it is my opinion that he should not be the mens bb coach next season.


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Great post Wildrover.

It doesn't take Freud to figure out that a lot of Pro-Macer's are more concerned about not offending each other than giving a real opinion on the state of the bb program. I'll take some of the blame/credit for this...There is no question that us DarkSider's have helped to unite the Pro-Macer's. The sad reality is that they (I won't name names) now want CRM to stay out of spite. They would rather have the program sink deeper into the abyss, than to admit they are wrong.

The justification of 'we shouldn't criticize CRM or the players during the season' is laughable, as you pointed out. Why are you posting if you have no opinions? Are you simply here to bash dissenting views? To try and discredit people? Give me a break.

And I love how any dissenting views are countered with feable attempts at discrediting the poster. ie - Ari/Herm/Rueb are the same person, or pot shots like 'I hope pych wasn't your major'...So stupid. Grow up.

I'll end by giving an opinion; which is the reason internet forums exist.

CRM has not displayed an ability to recruit, win big games, win close games, win road games, or win very much at all. While he has beaten 4 top 25 teams in 3yrs, I think the bad losses overshadow the wins; and it is my opinion that he should not be the mens bb coach next season.


That's great you don't think he should be coach next year Rueb.  

What's your plan of action? Should we go out and hire somebody for the same money? Do we up the funding? Should we expect any coach to succeed if we don't committ financially to winning? Are you willing to see the football program stagnate if we take away from that in order to fund basketball?

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